Clothing People In Need

The organization currently serves approximately 2,000 individuals annually. Every eligible individual who comes to Ruth’s House can recieve, four times per year, to receive the following: a $50 clothing voucher to purchase seasonally appropriate clothing, new underwear and socks, bras, and toiletries. Ruth’s House also operates an “Senior Coat Program”. Any person 50 years of age or older who is eligible receives a new or gently used winter coat, hat, scarf, and gloves.
Eligibility requirements include the following: be receiving benefits from one of the following programs: Mass Health, SSI, Food Stamps, Social Security Disability, Nutrition Programs, or Fuel Assistance. Additionally, on the day of their appointment clients may purchase any household items, from the thrift store at a 20% discount. Recognizing that not only those who are receiving public assistance are in need, thrift store at Ruth’s House is open to anyone who enters to shop for clothes, furniture, and other household items at low prices.
Available donated toiletries are also offered, as needed. All donated clothing goes to our Receiver through the warehouse, where it is inspected for quality, priced, and displayed in the thrift store where it becomes available to Ruth’s House clients and customers.
At least 30% of our clothing vouchers are provided to children of low income families. Children who receive clothing vouchers are invited to choose 2 free books and can sign up for our reading program where they can earn a $5 gift card to Ruth’s House. When a client family member checks in for their clothing voucher appointment, information about other wraparound, or supplemental, services such as food stamps, pantries, heating assistance, and communal meals are made available to them.
Free Suits for Veterans

Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, Ruth’s House is providing a free suit to any United States Veteran. The donor wishes to honor all who serve and is including the cost of alterations. Please come in to the store to browse the selection of suits.
Reading Club for Children

Parents, does your child like to read? Are they 12 years old or younger? Are they ready to read at least five books a month?
If so, visit Ruth’s House and join our Reading Club! Club members are given two (2) free books when you visit the store. When you have finished reading five (5) books, return the Club Members card completed with your name, the book titles and authors, and you will receive a $5 gift certificate to use in the store that same day! One gift certificate per month per child.
Job Skills for Adults
We are currently defining our job training program. If you are interested in participating as either a trainer or a person looking to acquire new job skills please contact us.
Scholarship Program for Haverhill Youth

Interested Haverhill youth that are interested in extra-curricular activities can receive a $500 stipend from us by volunteering for 15 hours. Please contact our Operations Manager, Barbara Canyes, at (978) 521-5575 or stop by our thrift store for more information.